
Rat Particles - July 2023 (2 days)


I starting with sculpting a quick and dirty rat model in ZBrush.


In Houdini I remeshed with tris and added normals to the points. Using the vector cross product (depicted on the right) of the normals with a predefined direction I added velocity to each particle; This way the particles would move according to the mesh’s surface.

I then subtracted each particle’s position by the closest proximity vector on the mesh. This pulls the particles closer to the surface of the mesh. Otherwise they would infinitely fly away due to the previously applied velocity.

Next I instanced boxes onto the particles and made them each create trails of particles behind them that shrunk in size as their lifetime decreased. The colors were simply created by layering patterns of noise each with their own color.

The Houdini data was exported into 3 Alembic files: one each for the
 particle position, orientation, scaling, and color attributes. I used blender’s geometry nodes feature to procedurally connect all this data to recreate the houdini simulation. I did this because there are many tools I am accustomed to with blender. The above render was made in Blender directly after finishing this step. I have yet to add Blender specific effects.
